
  • Self-conscious of your crooked teeth?
  • Does your child need orthodontics?
  • Clear Braces, Metal braces, Invisalign – all revolutionary treatments used at Dental on George to straighten your teeth.
  • Get fantastic results with our highly experienced team.
  • Payment plans available.
  • No referrals required.

If you have crooked teeth and/or a misaligned bite (an underbite or overbite), there are a variety of treatments that can help straighten teeth, including Invisalign and Braces.

At Dental on George, Drs Essfahani and Fanaian use both methods to correct irregularities of the teeth for adults and children.

In your initial consultation our Doctors will conduct a clinical exam, take impressions of your teeth, take some photos, and order X-rays of the mouth and head. An appropriate treatment plan is made based on analysis of the gathered information.

If braces are indeed the solution for you, our doctors will prescribe an appliance specific for your needs. The braces may consist of bands, wires, and other fixed or removable corrective appliances. No one method works for everyone.

When is the best time to begin orthodontics?

Although a smile can be enhanced at any age, there is an optimal time period to begin treatment. Beginning treatment at this time ensures the greatest result and the least amount of time and expense. The initial orthodontic evaluation should occur at the first sign of orthodontic problems or no later than age 7. At this early age, although treatment may not be necessary, a comprehensive examination can anticipate the most advantageous time to begin treatment.

What are the advantages of early treatment?

Some of the most direct results of interceptive treatment are:

  • Creating room for crowded, erupting teeth
  • Creating facial symmetry through influencing jaw growth
  • Reducing the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth
  • Reducing the need for tooth removal
  • Reducing treatment time with braces

Are you a candidate for orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontics is not merely for improving the aesthetics of the smile; orthodontic treatment improves bad bites (malocclusions). Malocclusions occur as a result of tooth or jaw misalignment. Malocclusions affect the way you smile, chew, clean your teeth or feel about your smile.

Why should malocclusions be treated?

According to studies, untreated malocclusions can result in a variety of problems. Crowded teeth are more difficult to properly brush and floss, which may contribute to tooth decay and/or gum disease. Protruding teeth are more susceptible to accidental chipping. Cross-bites can result in unfavourable growth and uneven tooth wear. Open-bites can result in tongue-thrusting habits and speech impediments. Ultimately, orthodontics does more than make a pretty smile—it creates a healthier you.

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